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School Admissions

Click on the link for the East Sussex admission process (how to apply for a school in East Sussex). 

Apply for a school in East Sussex 

Please see below information regarding admissions guidance for parents on applying for a school.  This includes basic information for parents on the choices they can make (ie to cater for those who are returning from the EEA who might not be fully up to speed with the English schools system), links across to the devolved administrations’ sites for those returning to Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, and more information on the in-year admissions process. 

Admissions Guidance for Parents

New School Admissions Code 

Please note Admission Policies comply with the requirements of the new School Admissions Code which came into force on 1 September 2021. Policies clarify the key issues around admissions for vulnerable children, in-year admissions and Fair Access Protocols. 

Admissions – Admissions – the basics – In-year admissions

To view our Academy Policies please visit the Key Information section of our website

In this section